Picking up after the explosive events of Season 1, this season finds the Morning Show team emerging from the wreckage of Alex (Jennifer Aniston) and Bradley’s (Reese Witherspoon) actions, to a new UBA and a world in flux, where identity is everything, and the chasm between who we present and who we really are comes into play. Along with Aniston and Witherspoon, the returning cast for Season 2 includes Steve Carell, Billy Crudup, Mark Duplass, Nestor Carbonell, Karen Pittman, Bel Powley, Desean Terry, Janina Gavankar, Tom Irwin, and Marcia Gay Harden. New stars joining this season are Greta Lee, Ruairi O’Connor, Hasan Minhaj, Cybil Richards, Tara Karsian, Valeria Golino, and Julianna Margulies超级好笑超级有趣!现代农业各类耕具真是复杂又智慧,确实很是令人兴奋!但一年到头即使有了现代农业技术,农民还是得靠天吃饭,忙忙碌碌才赚几块钱,如果没有当局补助普通人都活不下去,哎…Kleb真是个好孩子,一辈子最远离家20公里还是买了新车试驾,高中到了伦敦因为害怕连大巴都没下,成人后去开车去伦敦卖山葵,透着屏幕能感应他的紧张和焦虑。全世界的电视剧里都总爱写小镇青年巴望大都邑纸醉金迷的生活,我看不如写一写Kleb这种热爱村子热爱务农的青年的生活,那应该更有一番风味。