Two German computer pioneers who go to court in the fight against an apparently invincible opponent in order to be recognized as the inventor of the Google Earth algorithm. The series illuminates both the hacker scene in post-reunification Berlin in the 90s, as well as the idealistic world of early Silicon Valley and the harsh reality of a multi-million dollar process几个老戏骨的演技加持让这部正剧更成熟更耐看。林楠笙演绎了一个真正的革命者一个真正的爱国者一个优秀的职场人,从学员到国民党军官到共产党员的心路里程都是一步步慢慢成熟慢慢改变的,不是一蹴而就,不突兀不虚假,所以看到结尾不雅观众才会共情,见证了他的成长,才懂得他这一路的艰辛,从他及身边人的经历深切感应感染到革命成功的不易,他们那群人是真正的英雄。结尾的设定是只有林楠笙一个人活着,而他这一路的同伴全部牺牲了,更说明是付出了巨大的代价才取得的胜利,服气他们的勇气和意志力以及果断的信念。