Colton Donavan lives on that razor-thin edge toward out of control. Whether it's on the track or off of it, everything he wants is at his fingertips: success, willing women, media attention. Everything that is, but Rylee. She's the exception this reckless bad boy can't seem to win over. Her heart is healing. His soul is damaged. They both know the two of them could never work. ..我感受这剧前面最扯的处所就是女主从小到大奋斗了很久的方针 就因为认识了男主 被男主爱上 男主就用一集的时间帮她摆平了冤屈 赎回了房子 找回了姐妹 就是为了让她死心塌地以身相许 根柢不像简介里讲的那样靠本身博得了所有 这片子通篇传达出一种男尊女卑的价值不雅观 你想让女主独立 编剧给出的方式是谈爱情靠汉子 是 她聪明 沉着 剧里每一个女性都有本身怪异的个性 但是呢?“我本来有着本身的光线 遇见你之后 却掉去了原本的光辉”这就是某些伦理剧的通病 也是时代的诟病。