The adventure begins when Lucas a 13 year old boy embarks on the vacation of a lifetime. When disaster strikes| Lucas finds himself stranded in a strange landlittered with ghost ships and prehistoric creatures. While searching for other signs of life| Lucas hears a radio broadcast in the distance and is drawn into thejungle where he encounters a beautiful young girl who claims to have come from the 1950s. Together they set out on a quest to get home all the while uncovering secrets that will forever change the future我真的真的很讨厌国产剧这种靠女主光环打怪的人设,不知道是编剧的问题还是lt演技的问题,职场线女主真的菜的一批导致我真的很倾向陈娇蕊这种人设,女主每开口的任意一句话都让我感受她像个弱智。