Paris 1942. François Mercier is an ordinary man who only aspires to start a family with the woman he loves, Blanche. He is also the employee of a talented jeweler, Mr. Haffmann. But faced with the German occupation, the two men will have no other choice but to conclude an agreement whose consequences, over the months, will upset the fate of our three characters真正的独立不是不生孩子不成婚,明明带孩子很累,还必需是职场女强人。这不是独立,而是把女性推到了另一个极端。真正的独立是我可以选择我本身的生活而且可以为此负责,不受累于独立的标签。为什么要规定独立女性就不能做什么事?做了什么事女性就不独立了?必需要做什么事才能证明本身独立?这不是标签是什么?