"Three different swordsmen meet each other for their own reasons." Tae Yul, a swordsman in his thirties goes out to find his only daughter after losing one of his eyes. Min Seung Ho, ysgou.cc the Jo搜索引擎优化n Dynasty's best swordsman chooses an ordinary simple life after perceiving the transient nature of power. Gurutai, the best swordsman in Qing Dynasty aspires to become the best even in the Jo搜索引擎优化n Dynasty老朝奉当然有着不亚于许一城的鉴宝能力,但他却没有对古玩的敬畏之心,古玩在贰心里,是可以仿制、可以交易的器具,但在许一城的心里,倒是鲜活的汗青,这是两个人最大的分歧吧。